Dane Ghyll Community Primary School and Nursery
Sports Premium
The PE and sport premium allocation for Dane Ghyll Community Primary School is £18,400 for the academic year 2019/20. At Dane Ghyll, we have an extremely strong sporting history and the funding will be used to maintain our high standards in PE and school sport.
This year we intend on using the budget to:
Improve our resources throughout the school.
Ensure the EYFS has enough resources for their outdoor area.
Ensure that all staff have access to relevant and up to date courses.
Implement a new P.E scheme of work and tracking system for each year group.
Employ community coaches to deliver sessions to pupils in a wide range of sports.
Allow children to have new before and after school sporting clubs.
Employ staff to support a wider range of extra-curricular sporting clubs.
Ensure each child will take part in an Outdoor Adventure Trip in the Summer Term, using Kepplewray facilities and High Points Outdoor Education Team.
Train the Year 6 Play Leaders who will then be able to create activities for KS1 children at playtimes.
In the past, the KS1 and KS2 playground have had playground lines installed. We also renewed equipment, such new basketball posts and ensured that all our equipment is relevant and up to date for each year group. We have enrolled staff on up to date training courses to improve their subject knowledge. Thanks to the expert coaching the children receive, they are attaining higher levels in sport and are more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Many of our children who were previously not engaged in out of school clubs are now involved in community sports due to the encouragement of coaches, teaching assistants, teachers and parents.