Dane Ghyll Community Primary School and Nursery
2 Year Old Plan
DG Cycle 1 3-4
DG Cycle 2 3-4
How to help in Nursery Booklet
Progression Maps at bottom of page
At Dane Ghyll Community Nursery the children learn through play in a happy, safe and stimulating environment. By working in partnership with parents via a well valued key worker system we support the children to become confident and independent learners.
Our vision
We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality in a warm, caring ethos, which supports, challenges and encourages children to succeed. A learning partnership between nursery, home and the community.
The Nursery
Dane Ghyll Community Nursery is a 45 place, full day, term time only Nursery for children aged between 2 and 4 years. Our Nursery building for 3 and 4 year olds is a separate building based within the grounds and rear playground area of the school, and we also have a dedicated 2 year old room and 3 year old room based within the school all of which have access via an electronic security system to ensure safety of the children at all times. We have a large, secure outdoor play area and access to the schools wonderful pond and nature area with use of the school playground for physical Development Activities. We have 8 members of staff, 6 of which are at least Level 3 Childcare and Education qualified and all members of staff are Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding Trained. This gives us a high ratio of staff to children and means that we can give children lots of individual support and attention. We work closely with other agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to ensure every child’s needs are met.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which has been produced by the Government and is followed by all Early Year settings in England, from birth to the age of 5. We support and access via our Key Worker System and track the children’s progress in the key seven areas of learning. Progress will be shared with parents formally via a report at least twice a year and through the online learning journey, Tapestry we are able to share and receive two way learning with parents throughout the each term.
At Dane Ghyll Community Nursery we believe that children learn best through play. Children are taught to independently access the stimulating resources and also to take responsibility for looking after and tidying them away. The Nursery is organised into different space to promote the seven area of learning, however learning does not happen in isolation and through their play activities, children may be exploring several different areas at once.
Session Time
Breakfast club 7.45 - 8.45
Morning session 8.45 – 11.30
Lunch 11.30 – 12.15
Afternoon Session 12.30 – 3.30 (Friday 2.30)
Afterschool club 3.30 - 5.15
We are fully flexible (place permitting) to allow parents to choose individual hours at a rate of £5.00 per hour and accept 2 year funding and 15/30 hour free childcare.
If your session times include the lunch period you may choose to either send your child to nursery with a packed lunch or choose to have a school meal. The school lunches which are available are healthy, balanced meals and weekly menus are available online, so that you choose in advance. There is a charge for the school lunches. Please ensure that the packed lunches sent are healthy and in line with the school healthy eating policy which includes no chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. Please see a member of staff for more details.
To comply with our safeguarding duties you must inform the nursery of any planned absences, holidays or illness which results in your child being absent from nursery.
Our Nursery uniform is available from Identity Barrow and allows the children to feel part of our class alongside ensuring that they can freely play outdoors or messy play without concern for damaging or soiling the children’s clothes. Please ensure that your child bring appropriate outdoor clothing for the current weather as we will be going outdoors for play on a daily basis, this includes sun cream during warm weather. Please ensure that sun cream is applied BEFORE the first session attended and for those staying throughout the day please bring named in your child’s bag.
Please ensure that all clothing is named and a change of clothing in each child’s bag.
Starting Nursery or School
After completing an enrolment form you will be sent a confirmation of place letter the term prior to your child wanting to start. Children can start at our Nursery following their 2nd birthday and Nursery education grants are available from the term following your child’s 3rd birthday. A Place at nursery DOES NOT mean that your child will automatically get a place at the school. You will need to follow Cumbria County Council application procedures. Please ask at Nursery if you need more information on this. Children who do get a place at Dane Ghylll Community Primary School will have opportunities to visit their new class and meet their teacher whilst at our Nursery.
Special Educational Needs
At Nursery, all staff support children to access all Areas of Learning by providing for their individual needs within the group via the Key Worker system. We aim for early identification by our staff of children which may have additional needs and we then offer support for both the children and their parents. Some children may need extra support from a one to one and we will work with professionals to keep parents informed of their child’s progress. Please see the schools Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy.
Equal Opportunities
At Dane Ghyll Community Nursery we are committed to ensuring equality of learning opportunities and access to all areas of the curriculum for all of our pupils.
We hope that you have found this information useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. We look forward to welcoming you into our Nursery.
Useful Links:
Information about the EYFS and parents guide.
Letters & Forms: